Was That "Fine, A" or "Fine, B"?
When I was a child, my grandma used to do this to me: when I asked her a multiple choice question -- is it A or B? -- she'll answer with a "yes." Is that a "Yes, A," or a "Yes, B," I never did figure it out. Developmental psychology will tell you that one's social skill was developed via physical contact with their mother around two years of age, so I chalked my inability to figure out "Yes, A" or "Yes, B" to my mother killing herself when I was one and thereby learning the phrase "just to clarify...."
Lo and behold, today I found out that I wasn't the only one who doesn't get that. So I emailed a big shot today, "would you like it done this way (choice A) or that way (choice B)." Her answer was "That's fine." Totally back to my children scenario all over again, was that a "fine, go with A," or "fine, go with B"? Just when I was annoyed at my own ability, her admin, who was copied on the email emailed me "I interpret (the "fine") as _____________, do you concur?" She asked. It was very nice to find out after 30 years that I was not the only one who doesn't get it and I owed her the truth -- I can't concur with squat because I have no idea what she meant by "fine." Admin's next reaction had me busted out laughing, "Do you mind emailing her to find out. I don't want to sound stupid. At least she doesn't do you eval(uation)." As a very blunt person I totally have appreciation for another person's honesty. My wonderful "just to clarify....." was once again put to good use and "fine" was, obviously, choice A.
I still appreciate the admin for letting me know that I am not alone out there. :)