Kitty Application Form II
Come to think about it, the form that they made me fill out prior to the adoption of my kitty was quite extensive:-
- How much are you willing to spend a month on vet bills?
- What will you do with your cat(s) when you have to move and give up your cat? (I put down not going to happen, but the guy changed it to "bring it back (to the pound)") C'mon! I've had my older cat for 12 years, that's TWELVE years. And in the last 12 years, I have moved 10 (TEN) times. You think that was easy? No! But I made it a priority to move the cat with me, each and every single time!
I found it ironic that people ask more questions when you are adopting a cat than having a child. Wouldn't it make more sense to have potential parents fill out a similar form?
- How much thought have you given to the idea of having a child?
- Are you financially stable?
- Are you financially and psychologically apt to have kid(s)?
- Do you have extended family/support system in case of hardship?
- What is your monthly household income?
- How much money do you have in your saving accounts in the event the major breadwinner is injured/deceased?
- Are you ready for the responsibilities as a parent?
- Are you aware that you might not get a good night sleep in the next 2 years to come?
- Are you aware that you are signing up to 18 years of responsibilities, if you are lucky?
- Do you have medical insurance for you and your child?
- Are you certain this is the person you want to have a kid with?
- Have you participated in genetic counseling to fully understand possible genetic diseases from both side of the family?
- For the stay-at-home parent (to be gender mutual):- do you have a backup plan should the breadwinner decide to be a scumbag and run away without paying child support?
Perhaps every potential parents (including teenagers having sex) should be given a form like that. At the very minimum, it'll prompt them to at least give it a THOUGHT before getting pregnant.